Tag Your Correct Pronunciation

Tell The World How You Sound. Use Sound&Tag to complete your digital identity.

Zbigniew. Featherstonehaugh. Wickremasinghe. بنجويجي. Peoples’ names can be tricky, but it’s a courtesy to say them correctly. Even some that look simple may not be what they seem. In the UK the St. Clair surname sounds like Sinclair.

Sound&Tag helps to avoid the irritation of hearing your name mispronounced, and the embarrassment of doing it to others. It takes just a moment to create your virtual Sound&Tag card and share it with your personal or business contacts.

It’s not just for personal names – if you have a brand or company name that may be hard to say, just use Sound&Tag to record that too.

You can add the meaning of your names or what is it related to.

To share your Sound&Tag card, simply embed anywhere you like – in email, your website, LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile, Instagram profile, Word and PDF documents and so on.


  • Record your preferred pronunciation depending on your account type
  • Personal account type - first name, middle name, last name, nick name and company name
  • Corporate account type - business name
  • Employee account type - first name, middle name, last name and nick name
  • Add the meaning of your names or what is it related to
  • Add your profile picture
  • Upload your personal identity/professional/promotional video
  • Generate a virtual Sound&Tag card
  • Create a QR code of your Sound&Tag card to include on physical business cards
  • Share the card with your social or business network
  • Download a button to embed your Sound&Tag link in a HTML document / web page
  • Request a contact to record their Sound&Tag
  • Search name database and playback names